[2021境內實習][威剛]電競產品研發部–Intern ID




實習地點: 新北市中和區連城路258號
企業簡介: ADATA威剛科技自2001年創立至今,秉持專業與持續創新精神創造品牌競爭優勢,不斷推出領先業界之產品,為全球第二大記憶體模組廠,並名列台灣前二十大國際品牌,擁有逾500項的記憶體相關國際專利。


實習職稱:Intern ID
1.實習時間:每週 3個 半天
2.實習工作內容:Run studies on design language intergration across multiple devices and overall design continuum, including overall experience, connecting to packaging, UX, messaging, brand messaging. Maybe also help to design concepts for our next generation clothing.

4. 實習生具備條件:
a. 主修科系:商品設計學系及商業設計學系
b. 語文能力:英文能與外籍主管溝通
c. 工作技能:
-Understands Gaming and has an idea of the community.
-Has tried to make a product desiegn concept exercise.
-3D software skills(Maya, autocad, solidworks, Rhino)

-Has a good grasp of Brand positioning and how to connect a design language to it.

d.特質需求:Strong presentation and communication skills.