For Teachers

Q: How to combine UCAN platform with our school’s current information network? For example, combine UCAN platform with e-portfolio.

A: UCAN platform and our current information architecture have been completely integrated into a single account. Ming Chuan University students can log into the Student System and do the test online. Applying for another username and password is not necessary.


Q: Please explain the research result and data about the reliability and validity of UCAN platform.

A: In the area of professional competence, the UCAN platform maintenance and operation team have conducted internal consistency reliability studies as well as criterion-related validity studies. In addition, they also do related research in the area of career interest. They discovered that there is a significant relation between the career interests test results and future job direction. Research on the platform is ongoing in order to achieve greater efficiency.


Q: Not only does UCAN platform provide school administrators to open the account to students, but it also provides students to login by themselves. If students do not use the account, which is provided by school administrators, can the school access the students’ information?

A: When students apply for their own accounts by filling out the right personal information, then the school can get the students’ information.


Q: Can the UCAN platform add extracurricular activities about ability cultivating?

A: Yes, as long as the courses and activities are helpful, schools are free to upload related information by using management functions.


Q: Can the test decipher whether students answer the questions conscientiously? If students receive high grades on common and professional competence, how can this student plan to take an ability training program?

A: Teachers should encourage students to answer the questions conscientiously, in order for the test to reflect an accurate assessment of the student. At the same time, we hope students can approach this test with a serious attitude. If the student gets higher scores on common and professional competence self-efficacy is higher. According to past researches, there is a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy, academic performance and the performance in the workplace. By way of practical training, it might be more helpful to related learning. Teachers can observe students’ practical abilities through their course performance.


Q: If there are only the course names on the website, how can students understand which courses can help them to develop some of the competences by course name only?

A: When schools upload the information about their courses, it’s better to provide detailed information. In the future, we will provide related keywords to schools, as a reference about writing course name and content.


Q: The UCAN platform provides the test results for career interests and competence. Are teachers qualified enough to explain the test results?

A: UCAN platform provides the information about career interest and professional competence. It is different from a psychological test. When teachers use UCAN platform, they should focus on the information about industry. Teachers’ role is to help students understand different types of career fields and the competence they required. Also, part of their role is to encourage students to think and plan ahead. School administrators can set other management accounts to teachers to view students’ result.