情緒自我覺察與照顧 Emotional Self-awareness and Care


情緒自我覺察與照顧 Emotional Self-awareness and Care

撰文者:銘傳大學 諮商輔導中心 黃千珊社工師

譯者:銘傳大學 翻譯小組


※本文撰寫改編自影片-https://youtu.be/WUFB9ttoLxs (link is external) (10 Mental Illness Signs You Should Not Ignore-十個不容忽視的精神疾病徵兆),本文可搭配影片一同了解。

本片依據美國的全國精神疾病聯盟(National Alliance on Mental Illness,NAMI)提出的指引,以動畫方式明瞭呈現十個不容忽視的精神疾病徵兆,檢視自我需留意與注意情緒與身體狀況的變化,若這些身心徵兆經過兩週以上未改善,已明顯影響生活作息,可進一步尋求專業資源協助,以利即時介入與改善。

According to the guidelines of National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), this video uses animation to present 10 mental illness signs that should not be ignored. People should be aware of changes in their emotional and physical state; if one has symptoms mentioned in the video, which have lasted for more than 2 weeks and already affect daily life, one can ask a professional for assistance, to get involved and improve the condition.


The signs of psychiatric or emotional disorder mentioned in the video include: feelings of sadness or depression that last longer than 2 weeks, extreme unexplainable mood swings, out-of-control worry and anxiety, starting to withdraw from others or isolate self, having delusions or hallucinations, increasing difficulty with normal life situations, sleeping too much or too little, starting to abuse drugs or alcohol, extreme anger outbursts, and staring to think of self-harm or suicide.

1. 已經超過兩個禮拜以上感到沮喪和憂鬱

You’re having feelings of sadness or depression that last longer than 2 weeks.


Everyone will have mood swings, but these negative moods will usually improve after a short time. However, if a negative mood lasts longer than 2 weeks, one should take the situation seriously.

2. 沒來由地異常情緒起伏波動

You’re having extreme mood swings and don’t know why.


Most people have some mood swings in the usual mood flow of their daily life, and they return to normal life after a mood swing. However, if one discovers that their mood, their behavior, and their energy have changed extremely within a day, and experience inexplicable sadness, anger, and ecstasy in the space of one day, one should be aware that those extreme mood shifts may be the result of related psychiatric or emotional disorders.

3. 無法控制的擔心和焦慮

Your worry and anxiety have gotten out of control.


People need to seek professional mental or psychiatric assistance when the following situations almost every day over 6 months, which may result from related mental disorders such as anxiety disorder: can’t stop worrying, have a nervous mental state, can’t relax, have insomnia, have rushing thoughts, have unexplained body aches, and feel irritable.

4. 避開人群孤立自己

You’ve starting withdrawing from others or isolating yourself.


An appropriate level of human interaction is good for mental and physical health. When someone who usually interacts with others begins to refuse or avoid interacting, it may be linked to a psychiatric disorder.

5. 發現有妄想和幻覺

You may have noticed you’re having delusions or hallucinations.


Delusions and hallucinations are a type of awareness or belief; one may feel oppressed when they experienced these, even if these experiences are not really happening in one’s life, and this can also be one symptom of a psychiatric disorder.

6. 越來越難面對與處理生活大小事

You’re having more and more difficulty with normal life situations.


Everyone’s life will have some unpleasantness, but if these things affect one’s daily schedule for over two weeks and one can’t get back to their usual life pattern, it may be the result of related psychiatric or emotional disorders.

7.  睡得過量或過少

You’re sleeping too much or too little.


Among people living with a psychiatric disorder, 20% to 30% of them commonly have sleep issues such as insomnia or lethargy. If one’s sleeping time has obviously increased or decreased, it may be the result of related psychiatric or emotional disorders.

8.  開始濫用藥物或酒精

You’ve started abusing drugs or alcohol.


Some people living with a psychiatric or emotional disorder use drugs or alcohol to suppress or stop anger, anxiety or moods that they don’t know how to face or overcome. Abusing drugs or alcohol may worsen these disorders.

9.  常勃然大怒

You’re having extreme anger outbursts.     


Have you had the experience of being unable to control anger over some petty things? This anger can represent the level of stress that one is experiencing at the time. On the other hand, it may also be related to psychiatric disorders or traumatizing experiences; professional experts suggest that people first clarify their physical and mood markers when angry.

10.  開始有自我傷害或自殺意念

You’ve started thinking of self-harm or suicide.


Approximately 90% of those who attempt suicide have a psychiatric or emotional disorder. One should seek professional psychiatric assistance and receive help from others as early as possible once one starts to think of harming themselves or committing suicide.


Everyone has times of bad moods, or feeling down and depressed, which may lead to experiencing the 10 mental illness signs mentioned above, and we have different ways of facing them to make ourselves feel better such as engaging in leisure activities, entertainment, or exercise, and sharing feelings with others. If you don’t recover from the negative mood for more than two weeks, and it even affects your daily schedule, the university recommends asking Counseling and Guidance Center for help, or visiting a psychiatric clinic or the psychiatry department at a hospital for timely relief of your mental /emotional issues.


參考資料Related videos and information


Students can promote their mental health knowledge through the following related videos and information.

(1)單純心情不好?動畫破解「憂鬱症迷思」:https://youtu.be/N8b4gXpNkx4 (link is external)

Just in bad mood? Using animation to crack the myth of depression: https://youtu.be/N8b4gXpNkx4 (link is external)

(2)為什麼有病不吃藥?一起瞭解躁鬱症!:https://youtu.be/FQQ_0vWQEuo (link is external)

Why patients don’t take their medication? Let us understand bipolar disorder: https://youtu.be/FQQ_0vWQEuo (link is external)

(3)【志祺七七】「焦慮到爆炸」怎麼辦?一起認識什麼是「焦慮症」:https://youtu.be/6cVEXsFicfQ (link is external)

【shasha77】What to do when you feel extreme anxiety? Let us get to know “anxiety disorder”: https://youtu.be/6cVEXsFicfQ (link is external)


2.其他推薦資訊:Other resources:

  (1)什麼是身心科?除了精神病原來還有這些人該看身心科:https://youtu.be/0SWQIDXTJUg (link is external)

What is the psychiatry department? Besides psychiatric illness patients, who else needs to go to see a psychiatrist? https://youtu.be/0SWQIDXTJUg (link is external)

  (2)總是習慣壓抑心情快爆炸!心理師教你如何和情緒當朋友:https://youtu.be/qtsITtAobe4 (link is external)

Why you always suppress your mood to the limit? Let a psychologist show you how to live at peace with your moods: https://youtu.be/qtsITtAobe4 (link is external)

  (3)台灣憂鬱症防治協會:http://www.depression.org.tw/ (link is external)

Taiwan Association Against Depression: http://www.depression.org.tw/ (link is external)

  (4)小鬱亂入粉絲專業:https://www.facebook.com/depressytrouble (link is external)

Depressy Trouble Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/depressytrouble (link is external)


  Ministry of Health and Welfare Website: Mental Health Promotion

  https://www.mohw.gov.tw/cp-88-212-1.html (link is external)