Help Prevent Suicide Together


譯者:銘傳大學 翻譯小組



Anyone can be a gatekeeper against self-harm behaviors. Before self-harm behavior occurs, individuals may reveal their depression through words and actions, so these warnings must be handled with care. Through the formula of “1 question, 2 response, 3 referral”, use the power of timely listening and companionship to help relatives and friends who are suffering from depression, and refer them to professional resources for timely intervention.



1 question


Start a conversation by inquiring with care to give the other person the opportunity to speak. The point of asking is to give the other party the opportunity to speak; do not rush to respond or interrupt them, and avoid overly positive responses or trying to instill positive thinking. Try to choose a place that is private enough and allows others to feel comfortable talking.


Avoid direct, sharp, or joking words, such as “You aren’t thinking you want to die?”, “Why do you take things so seriously?”, What’s the big deal?, and other responses that deny their feelings or are too direct. Instead, try using indirect questions, such as “Do you want to go to sleep and never wake up again?”, “Do you feel that life has no meaning or value and no one cares?”, “Do you often feel hopeless about life?” Using a more neutral question improves the other party’s willingness to talk. Avoid promising the other party to keep his/her secrets and avoid arguing about the right and wrong of harming oneself.



2 response


Proceed with appropriate responses and the principles of companionship and support. Those who have a mind to harm themselves may have been repudiated and feel lost in their lives. Therefore, allowing the other party to have the opportunity to express themselves can help them to release some emotions. Use the response skills of a calm tone and a non-judgmental attitude.


A motivation to self-harm is not the main root of the problem. Behind the decision of self-harm, there may be lots of difficulties in someone’s life that are difficult to overcome, so they hope to get escape the pain through self-harm. Listening to and responding to the pain that the other party is in is the focus of the conversation, not arguing and investigating why the other party is choosing to consider suicide. Therefore, avoid questioning and agitating phrases, or rushing to interrupt the other party throughout the response process. Rather, try to inject hope into the conversation, leading the other party consider the meaning and value of life.


3 轉介

3 referral


Being a gatekeeper against self-harm behaviors does not mean that you must bear the results of whether the other party’s mood will improve or not. It is necessary to encourage the other party to accept professional referrals in a timely manner. When the other party’s condition has obviously exceeded what you can personally handle, you can request professional resources, such as the mental health outpatient service of medical institutions, a mental health clinic, suicide prevention hotline 1925, or the university’s Counseling Center, for timely professional advice and assistance and letting the depressed party know they are not alone. If your relatives and friends have some doubts about seeking professional resources, you can accompany them to help relieve their anxiety or provide them with online resources, such as mood thermometers or other measurement tools, so that the other party can know their current emotional state and obtain relevant professional knowledge of mental health care and diseases to increase their willingness to seek help.




Improve mental health knowledge and become a self-harm prevention gatekeeper with the following prevention videos and related information:

2.其他推薦資訊:Other resources: